Our Products & Services

Explore our comprehensive range of products and services designed to support your farming endeavours from seed to harvest. With quality products and expert advice, we're here to help you cultivate success in every field.

Seedling & Nursery Services

Discover the perfect start for your plants with our nursery services. At our Mazowe site we nurture a wide variety of plant species with care and expertise. Whether you're starting a garden or expanding your farm, our healthy and vibrant nursery stock will kickstart your growing journey on the right foot.

Chemical Solutions

Elevate your crop protection with our premium selection of agrochemicals. From herbicides to insecticides, our products are formulated to safeguard your crops against pests and diseases, ensuring healthier yields.


Cultivate thriving crops with our range of high-quality fertilisers. Whether you're looking to enrich soil fertility or enhance nutrient uptake, our fertilisers are designed to optimise plant growth and maximise yield potential season after season.

Soil Sample Analysis

Unlock the secrets beneath your feet with our soil sample analysis service. Our lab partners meticulously analyse soil samples to provide you with detailed insights into your soil's composition and fertility levels. Armed with this valuable information, you can make informed decisions regarding fertilisers, crop selection, and soil management practices, ensuring optimal yields and long-term soil health.


Nourish your livestock with our nutritious stockfeed options. Specially crafted to meet the dietary needs of different animals, our feeds are packed with essential nutrients to promote healthy growth, robust immune systems, and optimal performance. Choose from our variety of feeds to keep your animals strong, vibrant, and productive.

Farmer Technical Support

Our team of experienced agronomists and agricultural experts is here to provide personalized guidance and assistance every step of the way. Whether you have questions about crop management, pest control, or agricultural best practices, we're here to offer practical solutions and expert advice tailored to your unique farming needs.